Your mission is to make a chat server and chat client, using select and poll. You get one point for every item below.
(2 points)Some program uses select
(2 points)Some program uses poll
The chat server can accept connections from multiple clients and send data from any client to all the others.
The chat client can listen to both the network and the keyboard at the same time.
The server has a 'list' command that lists all current network connections.
The client and server has a 'name' command that associates every message from that client with that name. (i.e. The serve says things like "fred says hi" rather than "connetion #1 says hi".)
The client and server have a quit command.
(two points) The client can send a file to another client. Very hard.
The client can send a message to a specific other client (secret message).
You lose a point for everything below
(2 points)The server ever crashes or exits because of client action.
Not turned in by Monday April 15th.
Not turned in by Monday of finals week.
This program is out of 10 total points.