CS 228 -- Network Programming

Mon Jan 11 -- Syllabus stuff. Install Putty. First day stuff. Give everyone an account.
Wed Jan 13 -- Talk about the editor and compiler and basic Linux commands (cp mv rm g++ gdb ls). The first assignment. Command line arguments and error checking and socket already in use and c-strings. Talk about IP numbers and host names and TCP and UDP and port numbers. Run our first client and server.
Fri Jan 15 -- Continue client/server. Man pages. Gdb. Networking Basics
Wed Jan 20 -- Physical and data link.
Fri Jan 22 -- Review ethernet. Broadcast in ethernet. Frame format. Mac addresses. Types of ethernet (10mb/s, 100 mb/s, 1000 mb/s). Hubs vs switches vs routers (video, page).Network cards for sale.
Wed Feb 7 -- Routing. Autonymoous systems and graph. Routing summary.
Fri Feb 19 -- Continue going over the web server. Copying files. getting addresses. port scanning maybe.
Mon Feb 29 -- Lab day for web server.
Mon Mar 9 -- Programming.
Wed Mar 11 -- Remind about IP and BGP. Start UDP and TCP.
Thr Mar 12 -- Email Notes and Postfix howt.
Mon Mar 14 -- DNS video with robot voice. Move DNS video. Sliding window demo. Header fields. Firewalls. Programming TCP vs UDP. Wed Mar 17 -- Review. 2015 test. Computing packet sizes.
Mon Mar 28 -- Lab day.
Wed Mar 30 -- RSA. TLS. What is HTTPS/TLS? What attacks can it thwart. What is a cert. How do I get a certificate? digicert. Verisign. Making your own cert. Example code.
Wed Apr 6 -- Buffer overflow. Example. Chromium example.
Wed Apr 13 -- Finish assignment. tcpdump. aids website. Wardriving. code Adwords.
Fri Apr 22 -- Final exam review. Final Exam 2015.Final Exam Review.