CS 228 -- Network Programming

Wed Jan 17 -- Syllabus stuff. Install Putty. First day stuff. Give everyone an account.
Fri Jan 19 -- How to make a program on Euclid. Remind choices to map the drive or use nano. The first assignment. Command line arguments and error checking and socket already in use and c-strings. Talk about IP numbers and host names and TCP and UDP and port numbers.
Mon Jan 22 -- Work day.
Wed Jan 24 -- Show how to do assignment. Talk about strings vs array-of-char.
Fri Jan 26 --Network basics. Aloha. Aloha vid and Slotted Aloha vid.
Mon Jan 29 -- Ethernet More ethernet. Hubs and routers and switches. Token ring.TTS formula!.
Wed Jan 31 -- QUIZ on ethernet. IP starting with what does it do, then routing.
Fri Feb 2 -- Work day.
Mon Feb 5 -- Go over answers of quiz. Email program.
Mon Feb 12 -- Go over how to make email program.
Wed Feb 15 -- Review IP Numbers. Special use, private use IP numbers. NAT. Routing. BGP Table size. Fri Feb 17 -- NAT and Port Forwarding and IPv6 for dummies.
Mon Mar 12 -- HTTP and The Web server assignment. How to open a file. How to read/write a file. How to fork. How to not crash my server.
Mon Mar 19 -- Check program. Change due date. Go over how to send file. Go over how to logfile. fstream read.
Mon Mar 27 -- Fork!!!!! What is it. Why do we want it? What about windows. Sample code???fork tutorial fork tutorial #2. Fork examples. how fast is fork? Zombies?
Mon Apr 2 -- UDP.
Wed Apr 4 -- Chat Server Assignment.
Wed Apr 18 -- Expiring emails. Echo server. Port scanner. Port knocking. Identifying the OS. Relay server using poll. Timing a web douwnload. Racing them using poll.
Fri Apr 21 -- Lab day.
Mon Apr 23 -- Lab day
Wed Apr 25 -- Course Eval.Review for the final exam.
Fri Apr 27 -- Practice final exam. (forbidden)