CS 228 -- Network Programming Class

Mon Jan 13 -- Syllabus stuff. Install Putty and Notepad++ and Configure Notepad++ for ftp. First day stuff. Give everyone an account.
Wed Jan 15 -- How to make a program on Euclid. Remind choices to map the drive or use an editor with FTP or use nano. The first assignment. Command line arguments and error checking and socket already in use and c-strings. Talk about IP numbers and host names and TCP and UDP and port numbers.
Fri Jan 27 -- Ethernet and Aloha.
Mon Jan 27 -- Email program
Fri Jan 31 -- IP and IP Numbers
Wed Feb 4 -- Review DNS. ARP/RARP/DHCP.
Wed Feb 12 -- Autonomous numbers and BGP routes and BGP table size and Quiz Review
Fri Feb 14 -- Quiz
Mon Feb 17 -- UDP and TCP
Mon Feb 24 -- Go over notes on TCP. Web Server Assignment
Mon Mar 10 -- Work on web server assignment
Wed Mar 12 -- Lab day.
Mon Mar 16 -- Error/Status codes. HTTP versions 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0wikimedium.com Cookies. Sample quiz
Tue Apr 7 -- The code says class, and your filter should make it say video