CS 228 -- Network Programming Class

Wed Jan 20 -- Syllabus stuff. First day stuff. How to install WSL and compile using it.
Fri Jan 22 -- Same.
Mon Jan 25 -- Download Visual Studio Code. How to Visual Studio Code with WSL. How to compile our client/server using Windows subsystem for Linux. How the internet works. How to make a program on Euclid. The first assignment. Command line arguments and error checking and socket already in use and c-strings. Talk about IP numbers and host names and TCP and UDP and port numbers.
Wed Jan 27 -- Same
Fri Jan 29 -- Any questions on programming? Ethernet and Aloha. Video on Ethernet.
Mon Feb 1 -- Same
Wed Feb 3 -- Timing a packet. Tolken ring. Quiz review. Look at other people's code.
Mon Feb 8 -- Bug in server. Common errors. How email works. QUIZ. Email assignment. IP Video.
Mon Feb 15 -- Routing: Djikstra, Ford, BGP. Stop-n-go protocol.
Fri Feb 19 -- return quiz. IP. Encapsulation. Ping Pong vs Sliding window vs Selective Repeat. Video on stop and wait (or ping pong). And Network protocol simulator.
Wed Feb 24 -- HTTP! (http://euclid.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS228/Notes/HTTP/http-notes.html) Assignment 3.
Mon Mar 1 -- HTTP Review. How many bytes to send a request? Where is the 'G'. How many packets? Cookies. Mime types. How google works. Practice quiz.
Mon Mar 8 -- QUIZ on http. Look at code. Hits vs page views.
Wed Mar 10 -- Benchmark (making a server).Transform server into a web server!
Mon Mar 15 -- Web Server Assignment Video: How to make a web server Video: Web server code
Fri Mar 19 -- Testing with JPG. Selling your browser history RSA X509. How HTTPS works.
Wed Mar 24 -- Review HTTPS. Review X509. What does X509 promise? What does HTTPS Promise? Buying a cert. Lightsail. EC2. Godaddy (search for web page)
Mon Mar 29 -- Go over quiz. Multiple connections to a single server. Fork #1 and Fork #2. How to make a server using fork(). Harvesting zombies (waitpid). The assignment.
Mon Apr 5 -- No Fork on windows.. Exec. Forking server. Timing fork. making telnet using fork().
Fri Apr 8 -- Poll.
Wed Apr 21 -- Final exam review.