Your assigment is to make a client that can talk to my server. Your client should .... 1) Open up a socket to port 40900 2) Print "I've connected" 3) Read a message from the server 4) Null terminate that message 5) Print the message to the screen 6) Ask the user for a message to send back 7) Send that message back 8) Close the socket 9) Exit the program 10) Turn in the program before Thu 17th at 4:30pm You get one point for every task accomplished. You get two more points for writing a server that can also talk to the clients. This is only for advanced programers. You must error check every system call. To open a socket to Euclid, you can use your MakeSocket from Program #1. To read from the server, use the read command int length_received = read(socket, buf, MAX_LENGTH); To write to the server, use the write command int length_actually_sent = write(socket, buf, LENGTH_OF_ACTUAL_DATA); The same socket can be used to read and write to and from the server. To read a whole line from the keyboard all at once, you can use code like this: char input[100]; cin.getline(input, 100); It might be that my server is down. You can test my server with my client. The following command should always work (or the server is down) /staff/randy/pub/Classes/CS228/Assignments/Message-Server/client 40900