1) Suppose I'm using classic Aloha. The network is VERY VERY busy. When I transmit how likely am I to hear a colision? 2) My network contains several hosts, all of whom want to transmit all the time. Which is the best scheme to use? Classic Aloha Slotted Aloha Reservation Aloha 3) My network consists of several hosts who often transmit and several hosts that rarely transmit. Which scheme is best to use? 4) My network consists of a few hosts that rarely send. It is imporant to me that once a host wants to send, that message is receieved with minimal delay. Which scheme is best to use? 5) I am automating a nuclear power plant. It is hyper-critical to me and the surrounding county that any host on my computer can deliver a message in less than three seconds. Can ethernet do this? 6) When an ethernet card wants to transmit, what's the first thing it should do? 7) How can an ethernet card tell it's transmission is coliding with another transmission? 8) Is it possible for three cards to collide at the same time? 9) Suppose there is a collision. The ethernet card must wait a random time before retransmission. What determines the range of random numbers from which the ethernet card should choose? 10) Suppose my ethernet card violates the ethernet protocol. It continues to transmit after a collision and only stops transmitting when the data has been transmitted. What will a normal user (my grandmother) notice about this card?