The Test of Motorcycles

  1. Is your name on the test
    1. Yes, it is
    2. Yes, it will be
  2. (Yes/No) Do IP packets ever leave the sending host with the Fragment bit set?
  3. Suppose the minimum packet length for Ethernet was 42 bytes, with included a 20 byte header.  An IP packet has a 20 byte header,  If I want to send three bytes of data (the word "yes") how many total bytes would the ethernet need to send? ____________________
  4. I observe that I can send data to at 10 ms for 100 bytes, and 20 ms for 1100 bytes.  What is the latency and bandwidth.

  5. Latency: __________________________
    Bandwidth: ________________________
  6. Do you think I will give you any points without units on the answers to the question above?
    1. Yes, I'm silly that way.
    2. Nope, I learned from experience
    3. Nope, I've taken at least on physics class in my life.  I learned there.
  7. Suppose I observe the following data on my Ethernet at Why does the amount of traffic received drop off at the end of the table?
  8. Workstations Sending Traffic Received
    1 10.3 kb/sec
    10 97 kb/sec
    100 301.6 kb/sec
    1000 27 kb/sec
    10000 0.034 kb/sec
  9. What is the difference between a router and a bridge?
    1. A router can handle different types of networks (Ethernet and Token Ring for instance) at the same time.
    2. A router amplifies digitally, a bridge amplifies analog-ly.
    3. Routers and bridges are basically the same thing.
    4. A router offers other services like ARP and RARP that the network needs. Bridges do not.
    5. None of the above.
    6. More than one of the above.
    7. Kawasaki makes the best motorcycles.
  10. What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a kitchen sink?
    1. A kitchen sink goes faster.
    2. A kitchen sink holds oil better.
  11. (Motorcycle/T1-Line)Which carries more bandwidth.  A courier on a Honda holding 10 tapes at 20G each making a trip with a delivery time of one hour, or a T1 line moving 1.54M bits/second?
  12. (2 points) Suppose I change Ethernet.  Instead of waiting a time that depends on the number of previous collisions, I instead wait a random time between 1 .. 50 milliseconds.  I modify every workstation on the network to use my protocol.

  13. Will this send data? (Yes/No)
    Under what conditions will this work poorly? ___________________________________
  14. I have a video transmission that will transmit 100 Kb/s.  I want to make sure my video runs smoothly.  How, under TCP/UDP/IP, do I reserve a fixed amount of bandwidth for a constant streaming source?



  16. I just looked up and found the IP address  What class IP address is that?
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
  17. How do you find the Ethernet address of a computer given it's IP address.  Assume that the computer is on the same ethernet you are on?

  18. Generally speaking, who decides the route of an IP packet.
    1. Sender
    2. Receiver
    3. Routers along the route
    4. First router after the sender sends it
    5. A great conspiricy of Japanese and Wisconsin companies
  19. Which generally takes the longest amount of time?  Assume the computer just booted up, and all caches are empty.
    1. A sendto()
    2. A gethostbyname()
    3. A getservbyname()
    4. A gethostname()
  20. Suppose I try and ping  What will happen?
    1. It goes to all hosts on all networks.
    2. It goes to all hosts on this network
    3. It goes nowhere
    4. It goes to my local host computer
  21. Which of these functions puts packets on the wire?
    1. getservbyname()
    2. accept()
    3. listen()
    4. fork()
    5. select()
  22. Which of these orders could be used to make a UDP socket for a client?
    1. socket, gethostbyname, bind, sendto
    2. gethostbyname, socket, bind, listen, sendto
    3. gethostbyname, socket, bind, listen, accept, read
    4. socket, gethostbyname, bind, listen, connect, write
  23. Calculus!! What does this expression evaluate to? ___________

  24.           lim x->2 17
  25. What does the following program print?  (If you think you see a syntax error, come see me.)
  26. #include< all sorts of files>
    main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        int a = 0;
        int pid = fork() {
        if (pid == 0) {
             a = 1;
        cout << a << endl;
  27. A DHCP client just got a lease for two hours.  Of the statements below that happen to be true, which happens first? (i.e.  More than one of these might be true.  Choose the one that is true, and and happens first.  If you're still confused, ask me.)
    1. It waits until 87.5% of 2 hours has passed, and then tries to renew.
    2. It waits until 100% of the lease has passed, and tries to renew.
    3. It waits until 50% of the 2 hours has passed, and then tries to renew.
    4. It waits until 2 hours have passed, and then the lease expires.
    5. None of the above.
  28. Suppose all the links are stable.  What type of network will have the Ford algorithm produce worse routes than the Djikstra's algorithm?

  29. Do we use RARP in the lab?
  30. Using the functions we have seen in class, how do you access the Ethernet part of a packet you just read?

  31. Consider the current window of data the receiver is willing to receive.  When does the sender's view of this window differ from the reciever's view of the same window?
    1. Almost never.  That's an error.
    2. Almost every packet received by the receiver.
    3. Only at the beginning and end of the transmission.
  32. (Yes/No) Can a TCP ACK every acknowledge more than one received packet?
  33. Why did the motorcycle cross the road?

  34. Put a "T" next to those programs that probably use TCP, and a "U" next to those programs that probably use UDP
    1. ___ Sendmail (sends email)
    2. ___ Real Audio (streaming audio)
    3. ___ Napster (transfers MP3s)
    4. ___ Xboard (real time chess!!!)