1) How long does it take a single packet of 1 kilobytes to traverse an ethernet that has a latency of 0.05 milliseconds and a bandwidth of 100 megabits per second? 2) Which takes longer? a) To walk a mini-CD-ROM holding 500 megabytes down the hall and up the elevator. Estimated time 5 minutes. b) To transfer a mini-CD-ROM 500 megabytes using a 100 megabit/second ethernet. 3) (true/false) A hub looks at the checksum of each ethernet packet. 4) (true/false) An ethernet card attached to a switch must send it's mac address to the switch before it can receive any traffic from the switch. 5) Suppose that I have two ethernet cards with the same mac address on two different ethernet networks. One is in an Mac and the other in a Windows PC. Both are powered on at the same time. They are in the same building. Under what conditions will this cause a problem? 6) I want to make a faster ethernet card. Therefore I skip the checksum computation and always treat the checksum as zero on sending and receieving. What will I notice when using this card? 7) How often will an ethernet card attached only to a switch see collisions? 8) Ethernet functions at which layer(s) of the 7 layer model? 9) Suppose the ethernet card sends, and there is no collision, but the receiver doesn't get the message because the receiver is powered down. How many times will the ethernet retansmit before it gives up? 10) Is the teacher stupid for forgetting to write this quiz on time? a) Yes he is. b) He is, yes. c) Everyone makes mistakes, but that was dumb. d) Jeff and Barry would not forget. Dave Powers never forgets. e) We want ice cream.