Ford agorithm - Does it make optimal routes (and what is the criteria) - What does a routing table look like - Does it respond to equipment failure? - How does it work? Djikstra's agorithm - Does it make optimal routes (and what is the criteria) - What does a routing table look like - Does it respond to equipment failure? - How does it work? BGP - Does it make optimal routes (and what is the criteria) - WHat does a routing table look like - Does it respond to equipment failure? IP Numbers - When will we be out of them - How many bits - How is it related to MAC addresses - Are they unique accross a network, the world or what? Network Address Translation - What problem does it solve - Which piece of equipment does it? - What problems does it cause? - Why are them ants crawling over the equipment? IP Packet format - - Don't have to memorize, just understand. - What goes in the data portion - Where does this packet fit with ethernet. DHCP - What problem does it solve - Don't need to memorize the chart. ARP (Not for 2024) - What problem does it solve? - How does it work? Fragmenting (not for 2024) - What is it - Who splits packets that are too big - Who recombines them