1) Who won last night's women's gymnastics?
The U.S. China Russia Romania Norway
2) Given an IP address, how can you determine the MAC address?

3) Circle all the correct statements ...

EVERY computer on the internet has at least one IP address
NOT ONE computer on the internet has more than one IP address
EVERY SINGLE IP address has EXACTLY 4 bytes.
None of the above
4) Every computer in this lab has a randomly assigned IP address (that's true, and not part of the quiz).  One of the computers has the IP address  What is the range of IP addresses that the other computers can have?

5) Suppose I send a 1200 byte IP packet, and the route to the destination has a network that can only carry 700 byte packets.  What will happen?

The packet is dropped by the limiting network
An error is sent by the limiting network back to the sender
The packet is sent via a different route, with no network limited to less than 1200 bytes
The packet is split at one end of the limiting network, and recombined at the other end.
None of the above
6) What type of routing does the internet use?

7) Consider the following network?  Once all routes are stable, if the link from A <-> B dies, will Ford-Bellman count to infinity?
A B 2
A C 1
C D 1
B C 9
8) Give one advantage of Djikstra's algorithm over Hierarchical, and one disadvantage
Advanatge: _______________________________________________________
Disadvantage: _____________________________________________________

9) I notice that I can send a 1100 byte packet from euclid to www.xena.com in 50 ms.  I can send a 100 byte packet in 40 ms.  What is the bandwidth and latency between here and www.xena.com.  You get one point for having the right units, and one point for having the right number.

10) If I switch ethernet cards, does the IP address necessarily change?