Catagories Data transfer Protocols Programming TCP/UDP/IP HTTP Routing Crypt DNS IPv6 Internet Overview Questions 1) Using Go Back N, what should N be if latency is zero? 1 2) Which do you do first to make a working socket, bind or connect? bind 3) Using TCP, do you acknowedge bytes or packets? bytes 4) Why should you have a http proxy cache? Reduce server load 5) Using the Ford algorithm, who does the routing computation? All of the routers, every one of them 6) Using Public Key Crypt, what do the public and private keys look like? Very large numbers (often prime) 7) Can DNS go backwards, translating an IP number into a hostname? Yes 8) Which has a smaller header when measured in bytes, IPv4 or IPv6? IPv4 (IPv6 addresses are HUGE) 9) What do you call the place where ISP's networds connect one to another? Gigapop 10) Using Ping Pong, what is the most number of unackowledged packets? 1 11) If I want to wait until either data is ready to be read OR 3 seconds go by, what C command would work best? select 12) To send one byte, which is faster TCP or UDP? UDP 13) What command does HTTP/0.9 lack that HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 have? Head 14) What is the best type of routing if you want to minimize routing table size? Heirarchical 15) Using public key crypt, which key do you use to privately send a document to someone? That person's public key 16) What is a class D address Pretty much unused (multicast address) 17) Who fragements packets using IPv6? The sender and only the sender 18) Does traffic from here to Europe go across a satalite link? No, WAY to much latency (speed of light issues) 19) Do NAKs help at all if there is absolutly no variation in latency? Nope 20) Using fork(), what does a return value of >0 mean? You're the parent, the number is the child's PID 21) In IPv4, can a source pick the exact route a packet will take? Yep, strict source routing 22) In general, which sends the fewest bytes for a user doing normal web stuff, HTTP/0.9 or HTTP/1.1? HTTP/1.1, the metadata helps caching 23) Which routing algorithm guarentees perfect routes if the network is stable? Ford and Djickstra's 24) Which is faster, public key crypt or private key crypt? Private, by alot 25) Does DNS use TCP or UDP? UDP 26) Will and IPv4 host be able to connect to an IPv6 host? Nope 27) About what percent of packets are lost traveling across the Inet? 5 or less 28) Counting Acks and Data packets, what's the most packets that can be on the wire using Go back N N 29) If you give write a '1' where the socket would go (first argument) where is the data sent? STDOUT (standard out) 30) Does UDP ack packets or bytes Neither 31) Who stores cookies, client or server? Client 32) Where in the packet header is the routing information stored No where 33) Braking a public key crypt system is as hard as what mathematical proble? Factoring large primes 34) Who has the IP address 10.X.X.X? Lots of people 35) In IPv6, who does the routing, hosts or routers? Routers 36) How many computers areon the Inet? About 65 million