The After-Test Quiz

Question 2:  Write me a paragraph on packet fragmenting in IP.   Include the minimum length of packets that ALL physical layers that will carry IP must have.  Tell who fragments, and when the packet is put back together.  Cite a web site providing supporting data.

Question 4:  Compute latency and bandwidth for the following data.
Hostname Length Time 100 12 300 15 100 1 1000 2 1900 3 100 10 200 9

Question 7:  Write me a paragraph about the differences between a router and a bridge.  Tell which layers in the ISO model that routers and bridges work at.  Give situations to use a bridge, and situations to use a router.  Cite two URLs, one an advertisement for a bridge and one for a router.  Both should have *similiar* capabilities (as far as bridges and routers can).

Question 9:  For each pair, tell which has higher bandwidth.
Station Wagon 3 day trip (3 * 24 hours) 1000 tapes, 20G each T3 line 154M bits/second
Person walking home 7 minutes 1.54M floppy disk 56K Modem 54,0000 bits/second
Post office 3 days 1 CD-ROM 654 Mbytes T1 line 1.54Mbits/second

Question 11:  There exists a protocol for reserving bandwidth over the internet.  Find it, and write a paragraph.  How hard is it to use?  How well does it work?  Is it widespread?  What happens when the route changes? Cite at least on URL.
There is a way to reserve bandwidth in the next version of IP (IPv6). Write a paragraph.  Tell how well this works, and how widespread is IPv6.  What do you think of the reservation protocol?  What happens when the route changes? Cite at least on URL.

Question 16:  Suppose you are on a class B network with network number 37.  What is the broadcast address of your network?  How about a class C network with network number 8263?

Question 22:  Below is a network.  Show me the routing tables for hosts A and C that Ford's algorithm would produce.  Show me the routing tables that Djisktra's algorithm would produce.  Also, look up the run time cost of Ford's algorithm, and give a URL cite.
HOST Other HOST Cost
A B 3
B C 1
C A 4
C D 7
A D 4
B D 3
A E 12
E C 6

Question 25:  Answer the following questions:
What events cause the receiver to change his receive window?
What happens when a receiver receives data that comes before his receive window (closer to the beginning of the file)?  What about data that comes after the end?  Finally, find two URLs about the sliding window protocol, and tell me which one is better, and a sentence on why.

Question 27:  What's your favorite song?