SMTP 1) In the SMTP dialog I send "HELO". What is Server the email perports to be from The server I'm connected to My hostname The hostname of the MX record of the receiver of the email 2) How does an SMTP server verify the sender's email address is legitimate? 3) Which city is biggest (population of the metro area) Hong Kong Beijing Singapore Toyko 4) How does the SMTP server know when the email body is done? 5) In the SMTP dialog, which comes first? DATA MAIL FROM HTTP 1) What kind of status is HTTP code 410? success temporary error permenant error server error 2) Name any piece of metadata that might be in a valid HTTP reply. 3) Almost every HTTP request starts with the same character. What is it? (pick ONE char) 4) Which of these sends the fewest bytes to answer a request HTTP/0.9 HTTP/1.0 Same number of bytes 5) What seperates the metadata and the actual file contents in an HTTP reply? Programming 1) The code below prints a "12". What does the 12 mean? int q = write(socket, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 26); cout << q << endl; 2) In your server (or any reasonable server), which line of code is the server executing while the server waits for a client to connect? (choose one) MakeServerSocket close read open write connect accept Potpouri 1) I want to send a packet. It is 4 megabytes long. The one way latency is 3 milliseconds. The bandwidth is 1000 megabits / second. How long does it take?