Randy Appleton's Networking Syllabus
Randy Appleton
JXJ 2214


This class covers two topics.  The main part of this class covers networking.  We start at the level of electrons in a wire, and end up with web pages moving around the globe.  This is a technical class, not and end-user class.  Students should have a reasonable idea how to program, but need not be experts (yet!).  The goals of this class include teaching how networks work, what makes them fast or slow, and teaching network programming.  We use Linux for this class.  You will write programs for this class.  Past classes have written web servers, web clients, mail clients, and FTP clones, and networked video games.


Grades are assigned from programs/labs (35%), a midterm or two (35%), and a final(20%), and quizes (10%). There will be a quiz after every section, so plan on that.  Hopefully the quizes will let you know how you are doing while there is still time to change it, and let me know what subject areas I need to review.  I reserve the right to fudge the percentages above.  I reserve the right to fail anyone if that person has failed to turn in more than one program.

Late Policy

I hate late assignments!!! However, it is much better to turn something in late rather than not at all. The late penalty is one letter grade per two workdays late. If there was some unavoidable reason you could not turn a project in on time (i.e. car crash, snow day, etc.) just ask me to waive the penalty. I'm pretty lenient.

The Class Web Page

You can find the main page for the class at http://euclid.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS228.  This site contains examples of old tests, class notes and sample code. 


If you use more than three lines of code from any source, including the internet, ChatGPT, a friend, or anything else YOU MUST CITE IT IN THE COMMENTS. Don't mess this up. Seriously.


If you have a need for disability-related accommodations or services, please inform the Coordinator of Disability Services in the Disability Services Office at 1104 of the University Center (227-1700; TTY 227-1543).  Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate documentation, in accordance with federal, state and University guidelines


You should learn the following: