How to use ACAD
ACAD -- A Computer Aided Design tool for making VRML worlds
The best feature of ACAD is that it is easy to operate
Acad is available for many platforms ... Linux for exmple
Acad is missing some features ... no animation for example
How to start ACAD
Click on Network Neighborhood, -> Entire Network -> lrc-class
-> Math_CS -> rappleto -> Acad
Double click on ac3d.exe
The error box "no preferences file ..." is ok. Click OK
Acad shows 4 windows.
Upper left window is the XY window (front view)
Lower left window is the XZ window (top view)
Upper right window is the YZ window (side view)
Lower right window is the "perspective window"
Shows a rotating view
In this window, the left button rotates and the right button zooms
No editing can be done in the perspective window
Adding objects is easy
Click type of object to add
Place in any of the three editing windows
Editing objects is easy
Click a rotate/size/move button
Select the object with the left button
Move the mouse, releasing the button when the desired effect is achieved
Generally, you will need multiple edits in multiple windows to get the
desired effect
Advanced editing is also easy
Textures can be set by ...
Select the object
Select the menu choices Object -> Texture -> Load Texture
Choose a texture (many can be found in c:\windows\*.bmp
Colors can be set by selecting the object, and then hitting a color (found
in the lower left of the screen).
Surfaces should normally be either ployline (just a wire frame) or poly
(a whole object).
A "Smooth" surface is one with realistic shading and a "flat" surface has
the same brightness across the surface.
A "1S" surface is invisible from the back, a "2s" surface is always visible.
Perferation can be created by selecting from the menus "Surface -> Make
The default is 50% holes
You can repeat to get very holey.