1. (Yes/Yes) Did you put you name on the test?
  2. Please give two examples of an HTML tag.
  3. I want to include the keywords "Zeus, "Hera", and  "Posideon" in my document.  What HTML code should I insert?
  4. How many <body> tags can I reasonably have in a document?
    1. None
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. More than two
  5. I want to include an image in my page.  The image is at "".  What code should I put in my document?
  6. (Yes/No) Can an image also be a link?
  7. Who is the coolest Greek God?
    1. Apollo
    2. Aprodite
    3. Xena, Warrier Princess
  8. Suppose I want to have a page with two parallel columns.  How can I achieve that (Just name the tag you would use to do this.  You don't need to do an example.)
  9. What HTML code should I include to display the words "bold" in bold?
  10. Every HTML document always starts with the same tag.  What is that tag?

Forms and Frames and Tables

  1. What does the "action=" part of <form action=..."> mean?  
  2. (Yes/No) Can a page have more than one radio button?
  3. When is data typed on a form sent to the server?
  4. Suppose I have a file of the following form.  There is something wrong with the appearence of this form.  What is it?
  5. <frameset cols=2,*>
        <frame src="">
        <frame src="">


  1. (Client/Server) Is Netscape a client or a server?
  2. (True/False) Web pages are written in http.
  3. (True/False) The cache contains web pages and images downloaded from the web.
  4. (Yes/No) Are web addresses case sensitive?

Web Servers

  1. How does make money?  From where do they get revenue?
  2. Who did the catalog at
    1. A bunch of robots (spiders).  An indexing program.
    2. A bunch of humans searching the web.
    3. Hercules, the Strongest Man in the World!!!!


  1. About how many bytes does a picture take?
    1. 60 bytes
    2. 60,000 bytes
    3. 60,000,000 bytes
  2. What resolution was my last computer screen?
    1. 800 pixels by 600 pixels
    2. 400 megabytes
    3. 266 Pentium II
    4. I dunno
  3. Give me an example URL
  4. Suppose the latency between me and doubles.  What would I notice?