Our first quiz
How many web pages have you made in the last year
Zero or one or so
Ten or there about
(Yes/No) Do you use Frontpage?
(Yes/No) If I gave you a computer with a blank hard drive, could you get
Windows installed?
If I gave you a computer, a monitor and a bunch of cables, could you get
the computer set up?
Do you have a password for the library computers yet?
Yes, I do.
No, but I will before the next class.
Your computer is too slow. What should you do?
Get a faster processor
Get more memory.
Get a bigger hard drive
I have no idea
You are installing a new program and the computer says "file system full".
What would help?
Get a faster processor
Get more memory.
Get a bigger hard drive
I have no idea
How much HTML do you know?
I've got very little clue.
I could make a basic page without a WYSIWIG editor
I'm pretty OK with HTML.
Does learning more basic computer literacy skills seem interesting to you?
Basic skills include where do the cables go and why, explaining industry
terms, and exploring the insides of computers.
____ Yes
____ No, I'm not really
interested in that stuff
____ No, I already have
a good feel for that stuff.
What topic interests you the most? What do you want to make sure
we cover here? Feel free to suggest a new idea if you want.
What topic interests you the least? What topic do you already
know or don't care to learn?