Definition |
Char (Character) |
One letter or space or digit. |
Byte |
One char |
Kilobyte |
1024 bytes (about 1000). A short page of text is about 1 KB |
Megabyte |
1,048,576 bytes (about 1,000,000). A HUGE picture is about 1/2
MB |
Gigabyte |
1,073,741,824 bytes (about 1,000,000,000). A CD filled with music
is 0.7 GB. |
Processor |
The part of the computer that does the "thinking". Usually made
by Intel (ick!!) |
Motherboard |
The main circuit board of the computer. Not the case!! |
Case |
The part of the computer visible from the outside |
Resolution |
How many pixels the screen holds. The most common resolution
is 1024 height x 768 width |
Hardware |
Any part of the computer you can physically touch. Your mouse
is a piece of software. |
Software |
The "programs". Netscape is a piece of software. |
Modem |
A device that connects two computers via a phone line |
Ethernet |
A device that connects a bunch of computers via an ethernet cable,
This is the standard intra-building network. |
Definition |
Web Page |
A page written in HTML |
Hypertext markup language |
Hypertext transfer protocol -- how web pages move across the network |
File transfer protocol -- an older yet more powerful way of moving
files |
Virtual reality modeling language. Stores 3-D graphics. |
Bandwidth |
The rate at which data moves through the network |
Latency |
How long it takes a bit of data to get from source to destination across
the network |
Cache |
A place used to temporarily hold data in hopes of using it again |
Tag |
An individual piece of HTML code. One tag achieves just one effect. |
Client |
The computer running the browser |
Browser |
The program the user uses to access the web. Normally either
Netscape or Internet Explorer |
Server (1) |
The computer that holds web pages and offers then to clients |
Server (2) |
The program running on the server computer that offers web pages to
clients. |