The max possible points on this is 24 points. That must include at least 10 points of new things we didn't do in class. It must include at least 10 points of things NOT done by people sitting next to you or in your group.Cannot turn in when you get the final exam!
Add a user based on a historic or fictional or famous person. I'll use Charles Talleyrand in my examples. Give them a password.
Set up Apache (6 points)
The documentroot points to that person's account's home page. For example, on my computer it points to /home/CT/pub
Custom 404 error page
Set the options so that only * and * can access the web server. (Hint: Allow from)
Set up .htaccess with password per user.
(Two points)Set up HTTPS (a free or local-use-only X509 cert is fine)
Email set up (12 points)
(3 points)I should be able to send and receive mail from the internet (around the room is fine, and not just localhost).
Any mail over 100K should be rejected.
(3 points) Set up a internet hosted banned list of spammy mail servers to reduce spam.
Show a working alias or .forward file.
(2 points) Use clamav to filter out viruses.
Thunderbird should work.
Every night your famous person should receive mail telling them how wonderful they are.
Your phone can connect to you server to send and receive email (pop or imap and smtp)
Set up NFS (2 points)
Export the famous person's web directory as a read only filesystem to the whole world. I export /home/CT/pub to the world.
You should mount someone's NFS offering. It should survive rebooting the client.
Cron (1 point) Every hour the computer should play (audio) some happy message to the famous person.
Printing (2 points)
You should be able to print from the command line (Hint: lpr).
and from Firefox/Chrome/Netscape/Mozilla/OpenOffice.
Samba (2 points)
The famous person should be able to access their files via Samba. Read/write mode.
There is a read only share not named after a user
Kernel (6 points) You should run a custom kernel that you compiled yourself. Not in a VM.
Shell Scripting (4 points)
When they log in, there should be a message printed telling them how wonderful they are.
And the last five times they logged in (hint: last)
And warn them when they are low on disk space.
When they type "cheer" it should do something to show how wonderful they are.
VM or Vitualbox (3 points)
(2 points) Any virtual machine except VMware. For any client operating system except Ubuntu
Any other virtual machine except the one used above (VMware is OK). works for any other client operating system
Others (21 points)
Install Super Tux Cart
(2 points) Dual boot two OS's. Virtual machines do not count.
Change your window manager to something new
Set the gnome theme to high contrast (hint: tweaks). Don’t leave it there unless you’re crazy.
Install a gnome shell extension (hint: tweaks)
Install two monitors
Install a client for Google Drive or Dropbox or ...
Set up a firewall blocking MTU
Install Variety window background rotator and down loader
(2 points)Install zsnes (Nintendo emulator) and play a game.
Install some ssh server so you can putty into your machine. YOU MUST ALSO install fail2ban!
Install Plex
(2 points) Install mysql. Make a table. Show it.
(3 points) Install NgineX. Configure. Show a web page.
Security (7 points)
Install and set up an Intrusion Detection System
Install Lynis (security auditing tools)
Install fail2ban and sshd.
Configure ssh to not ask for passwords (i.e. set up a key, don’t make the world able to log in without a password)
Add an APT repository.
Set up a backup program like backintime. Run a backup. Restore a single file.
(3 points) Turned in by Mon Apr 22 (2 points) by Wed Apr 24 (1 point) by Thr Apr 25