Email SMTP send email from sender to server You find the SMTP server by looking up an mx record. dig -t mx Email can be stored in /var/mail/USRENAME or /home/USENAME/Maildir Email has a header, blank line, and a body Body can use mime-encoding to send pictures or attachments Postfix designed for security not performance configs in /etc/postfix/ aliases in /etc/alias don't forget newaliases mydestinations is for whom will you take email relayhost is for smart relaying typically filtered useful for firewalls Sometimes firewalls are a good thing. mailbox size limit is obvious Log file is in /var/log/mail.log and is actually useful Delivery There are .forward files There are aliases Aliases can nest You can only alter email of traffic that goes throu your system Courier Can do POP and IMAP Allows a client to work with an email store (typically your /home/USER/Maildir) Requires passwords Can work with your iPhone if you want. Spam More than 90% of all email is spam Detection methods Feature detection Method is the date formatted wrong does it come from the future Countermeasure Don't make mistakes Blacklists Method reject email from known spammers Many lists to chose from Can both blacklist and whitelist Countermeasure Email by Virus Change servers alot Baysian Analysis Method Looks for hammy or spammy words or phrases Countermeasure Don't use spammy phrases Vogon poetry Activities Find the mx record of your facorite email site Send yourself a picture. Look at the raw message body