Add User Worksheet

1) Add a user named 'fred' with a password of your choice.

2) Log in as fred (maybe using ALT-CTRL-F1).  Make a file, and then type ls -la and show me the results.  ____________

3) Make a second user named 'barney'.  Give barney the same user-id as fred.

4) Log in as barney.  Make a file.  Type ls -l.  What wierd thing do you notice about the file?

5) Change /etc/passwd so that barney has the user-id 0. 
Can Barney kill processes owned by other people? (Yes/No)

6) Delete the user Barney.  Type grep barney /etc/passwd; grep barney /etc/shadow; grep barney /etc/group; ls -l /home.  Is barney really deleted? (Yes/No)

7) Make fred's home directory be /home/NOT_THERE.  Log in as fred.  Can you log in? (Yes/No)  What directory do you start in? __________________________

8) Make fred's shell be /bin/GO_AWAY.  Log in as fred.  Can you log in?(Yes/No)  What is your actual shell? ___________________________

9) Reset fred's home directory and shell.  Test the account to make sure it works again.

10) Delete the fred line from /etc/shadow, but leave him in /etc/passwd.  Can you log in?(Yes/No)

11) As root use passwd fred to set's fred's password.  Can you log in as fred now? (Yes/No)  Is his password stored in /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow?

12) Delete the user fred.  Type grep fred /etc/passwd; grep fred /etc/shadow;grep fred /etc/group;  ls -l /home.  Show me the results. __________________

13) Read the man page for the adduser command.  Make a user named wilman using the command.

14) Log in as wilma.  Did it work?  (Yes/No).

15) Delete the user wilma using the userdel command.  Was she deleted from the file /etc/group? (Yes/No)