
Users are defined in the /etc/passwd file.  It looks like this
ftp:*:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:
randy:8qWn2TC..oGsQ:999:1001:Randy Appleton,149D West Science,227-1593:/home/randy:/bin/bash
beyond:dGBLiC3lDyX7M:1052:1052:Brad Pouls:/home/beyond:/bin/bash
jwillco:gAG0YW2DQbv22:371:371:Jeremiah Willcock:/home/jwillco:/bin/tcsh
tproehl:ZcHZbHgvz79cM:9000:9000:Todd Proehl:/home/tproehl:/bin/bash
The fields are
  1. User name.
  2. The password encrypted with a SALT, or an 'x' if the password is stored in /etc/shadow.
  3. The user ID
  4. The group ID
  5. User identification
  6. The home directory
  7. The shell to start them
User and Group ID's
The User ID zero is special.  User ID zero has special superuser privliges.  The name 'root' is NOT special.  If two users have the same user ID they are the SAME PERSON.  The susyem will never distinguish between them.

The group ID is just the starting group ID.  A user can change their current group with the 'newgrp' command.

All passwords are encrypted with a 'salt', which is just the first two letters of the username.  This means that cutting the password entry and pasting it to some other person's password field is unlikely to work.  The encryption always produces 10 letters.  Any entry that is not ten letters long means the person will NEVER be able to log in using their password.  Passwords are not stored in plaintext.  There is no reliable way to get from the encrypted password back to the unencrypted password, nor is it needed.  Remember that this file is world readable.

Some systems (including ours) use shadow passwords.  In these systems the password entry is stored as 'x', and the passwords themselves are kept in a special file called /etc/shadow, which is not world readable.  These system are more secure.

Home Dir
The home directory just tells where you start when you first log in, and where the $HOME shell variable is set.

This tells when program to run when they first log in.  It need not be a 'shell'.  Some users like 'ppp' run special programs like 'pppd'.  Setting this to a 'wrong' value like /bin/false means that the user cannot log in.


The passwords are often defined in the file /etc/shadow.  If so, then the entry in /etc/passwd is a fake entry.  This is done because /etc/passwd is world readable, and must stay world readable or *many* programs like finger and ls break.


Groups are defined in the file /etc/group
The fields are...
  1. Group name -- name of the group
  2. Password -- the encrypted password.  If none is listed then none is needed.
  3. GID -- The numeric ID of the group.  This should match the entries found in the password file.
  4. User List -- A comma seperated list of users in the group
Remember that each user is in only one group at a time.  Therefore if you could access a file as group 'staff', and you could join group 'staff', that does not means that you can easily access the file.  You might have to change to group 'staff' with the 'newgrp' command.  You can see what groups you can be in with the 'groups' command.

How to make a New User

Manually, you have several things you need to do...
  1. Add an entry into /etc/password. The password itself should either be set to nothing, or to 'x' if you have shadow passwords. In that case you should also make an entry in /etc/shadow, again with a null password. Remember that the UID should be unique.
  2. Add an entry to /etc/shadow if need be.
  3. Make the home directory. Change the ownership of it to this new user.
  4. Copy any needed "dot files" from /etc/skel. Remember that cp * /home/user does not copy dot files, and that cp .* /home/user copies too much. Change the ownership of these files too.
  5. Set the password for this user with 'passwd user'.
  6. Test it.
Much easier and safer, is to use the 'adduser' command. Just type 'adduser -p password name' and everything happens for you.

Good passwords

Good passwords are NEVER based on a dictonary word, nor personal information. In fact, good sysadmins run 'crack' to check for that. Ideas for good passwords ... Other Notes