Analog Installation
Decide how to install analog. You can find the RPM and install
that (easy) or find the source and compile it (much harder).
If you want to use the RPM ...
Find an analog rpm. The current version number is 4.0 It can
be found via yahoo,, or the analog web site.
Download that rpm. Put it anywhere you want. If you want to
keep it, /root works. If not, /tmp is convenient.
Install the rpm. Type 'rpm -i analog-rpm-file.rpm'
If you want to compile it yourself....
Find the source code. It will probably be in an *.tar.gz or a *.tgz
Download the source code. Put it anywhere you want. If you
want to keep it, pick /usr/src.
Untar it. Try tar xvzf sourcefilename
Change to whatever directory it just made.
Find the readme. Do what it says
Edit the config file for analog. Normally, that file is called 'analog.cfg'
Make sure it knows where your web logs are.
Change the title to reflect your machine's purpose (i.e. "The Worlds
Greatest Web Server")
Set anything else you want.
Run and test analog
Try the command analog +g/path/to/config/file/analog.cfg
If it produced html looking output ...
Run the command again redirecting the output to a file.
Run a browser at the file
Enjoy your web stats
Show it to me to get signed off on this assignment
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If the command produced an error
Fix the error. Check the config file, and make sure the web logs
exist and are where you think they are.
Try again