CS 302 Samba and NFS Quiz 1) Which file(s) would you change to remove from a user the ability to samba-mount your server? 10) (Yes/No) Which file(s) would you change to remove a user's Linux account? 11) Define root_squash as used in NFS. 100) Who (if anyone) can delete the file 'killme.txt' give the ls output below. ls -l /home/steve drwxrwxrwx 6 steve napoleon 4096 2008-10-05 17:52 Desktop ls -l /home/steve/Desktop drwxr-xr-x 6 rappleto napoleon 4096 2008-10-05 17:52 killme.txt 101) Which group owns the file killme.txt as shown above? 110) Which file would I change to make every Samba mount have read-only permissions? 111) How does one enable password protection for the mounting of NFS servers? 1000) What does the line 'userdir web-files' in userdir.conf mean? 1001) What is the correct syntax for a line in /etc/fstab to mount the directory /home on the NFS server euclid.nmu.edu to your local directory remoteHomes? 1010) Why should you turn "hostnamelookup" on or off in your apache.conf file? 1011) (Yes/No) List three files we have seen so far that contain passwords. 1100) You cannot mount a Samba server. Maybe the network between you and the server is the problem. How could you tell? LIST TWO WAYS. 1101) Which file do I change to allow the client "thermometer.nmu.edu" to NFS mount my server? 1110) (True/False) This statement is false. 1111) Why does .htaccess exist? Why not just put the commands from .htaccess into apache2.conf 10000) Suppose my apache2.conf says the stuff below. Are indexes on or off, and how so? Options -Indexes Options +Indexes