Cron -- the run is periodically deamon

Edit with crontab -e
Edit someone else's with crontab -u randy -e
List with crontab -l
Run your command as someone else with "su nobody -c "/command"
Be sure to give full path names
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/tmp/crontab.18603 installed on Wed Oct  7 19:54:15 1998)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
# min hour day day-mon weekday command 
  1    5   *     *      *       /home/WWW/analog/analog > /home/WWW/analog/index.html
  1    3   *     *      *       /home/WWW/analog/analog -G +g/home/randy/HTML/Pictures/Scripts/analog.cfg > /home/randy/HTML/Pictures/analog.html
  1    4   *     *      *       /home/WWW/analog/analog -G +g/home/WWW/Dept/analog/analog.cfg > /home/WWW/Dept/analog/index.html
  1    5   *     *      *       /usr/bin/du -s /home/*  | sort -rn > /home/WWW/diskusage.txt
  1    5   *     *      *       /home/WWW/fingerprobe/fingerprobe -print < /home/WWW/fingerprobe/fingerprobe.log > /home/WWW/fingerprobe/index.html
  3,33 * * *      *       /home/WWW/fingerprobe/fingerprobe -probe >> /home/WWW/fingerprobe/fingerprobe.log

Examples of specifing a time

   *      *      *         12    *      Every minute of the 12th of every month
   1      1      *         12    *      1:01am on the 12th of the month
   *      12     *         *     *      Every minute from noon-1pm
   0      12     *         *     *      Noon
   0      5      *	   *     Fri	Every Friday at 5:00am
   0      5      *         *     Tue,Thu Every Tuesday and Thursday