Go to BIOS (F1 key)

Turn off secure boot in 'Security'

Turn on Virtualization and VT-D in 'CPU' in Devices

Download an Ubuntu image

You already know how to do this

install all the things needed to build a kernel module

sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install gcc

sudo apt install make

Install the policykit thing needed to do authentication

sudo aptitude install policykit-1-gnome


Download the vmplayer bundle


Set the vmplayer bundle to be executable

chmod +x ________

Run the vmplayer bundle


Do lots of install and agree crap (Hint:  I said yes and no alot.  It should be free.)

Make a VM.  Run it.

(Hint:  Say yes and no a lot.  I selected the Ubuntu iso.  I don't care where you put it.  I put it in /tmp/fred.  It does a quick-install.  If the mouse is trapped, CTL-ALT)