Due Monday Jan 22 at the begining of class

1) Prompt Stuff
    Change your prompt
    You must use at least two of the control codes from the bash man page

2) Banner stuff
    Change /etc/issue
    Change /etc/rc.d/rc.local
    When you're done, the login banner should be your own customized banner

3) Aliases
    Make an alias
    It must be useful

4) Disk Usage
    Consider all the directories off /.
    Which one consumes the most space, counting all subdirectories?
    Write a shell script that produces the answer
    Place the shell script in your bin directory
    Hint:  Don't do testing on /, that can take to long.  Do testing on some smaller subtree, and then when it's working run it on /
    Hint:  This can be done in one line

5)  Path Stuff
    Make the directory bin off your home directory
    Put some command in there,  giving it a unque name (like 'fredd').  Hint:  The command you wrote in step#4 is good.
    Put that directory in your path
    CD to somewhere else
    Type 'fredd'.  The command should run.

6) Shell Script Stuff
    Write a shell script
    It must be set executable (use chmod)
    When you run it, it should say "You're connecting from the net" or "You're connecting from the keyboard".
    If you cannot telnet to your machine, you can test on euclid.
    Hint:  The tty command, grep, and an if statement are all needed

7)  Shell Script Stuff #2
    Write me a shell script.
    It must be set executable
    It should print exactly "There are XXX people logged in" with XXX replaced by the correct number