The Init Worksheet

1) Set the computer to runlevel 2.  Try and ping  What does it say? _________________________________________________________________
Now unplug the network cable and set the computer back to runlevel 3 or 5, and then try and ping euclid.  What does it say? _________________________________________________  Plug the computer back in.

2) Set the default runlevel to 3. 

3) Note the current time: _____________________  
     Note the current time: _____________________
     Difference: ______________________________

4) IMMEDIATLY AFTER YOU LOG IN, Record the amount of free memory by 'cat /proc/meminfo'. __________________________Did you get an Xwindows interface.  _______________  If not, try and type 'goX'.  Did you get an Xwindows interface?  ______.If not, try and type either 'xinit' or 'startx'.  Did you get an Xwindows interface? _____________

5) Reboot the computer, get to the LILO prompt, and try 'linux 1'.  Now try 'linux s'.  How do they differ? ______________________________________

6) Set runlevel 3 to exclude the pcmica startup scrit.  Do this by deleteing the link in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d.  Reboot into runlevel 3.  IMMEDIATLY AFTER YOU LOG IN, Record the amount of free memory by 'cat /proc/meminfo'. __________________________Do you notice any difference in what in prints as it starts?  __________________  Any difference as it runs?

7) Note the current time: _____________________  
     type telinit 1
     wait for a promp 
     type telinit 3
     Note the current time: _____________________
     Difference: ______________________________

8) Does the answer to question #2 differ from question #5?  ___________________________

9) Change the default action of control-alt-delete to be print "Dont you fool".