2) Set the default runlevel to 3.
3) Note the current time: _____________________
Note the current time: _____________________
Difference: ______________________________
4) IMMEDIATLY AFTER YOU LOG IN, Record the amount
of free memory by 'cat /proc/meminfo'. __________________________Did you
get an Xwindows interface. _______________ If not, try and type
'goX'. Did you get an Xwindows interface? ______.If not, try
and type either 'xinit' or 'startx'. Did you get an Xwindows interface?
5) Reboot the computer, get to the LILO prompt, and try 'linux 1'. Now try 'linux s'. How do they differ? ______________________________________
6) Set runlevel 3 to exclude the pcmica startup scrit. Do this by deleteing the link in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d. Reboot into runlevel 3. IMMEDIATLY AFTER YOU LOG IN, Record the amount of free memory by 'cat /proc/meminfo'. __________________________Do you notice any difference in what in prints as it starts? __________________ Any difference as it runs?
7) Note the current time: _____________________
type telinit 1
wait for a promp
type telinit 3
Note the current time: _____________________
Difference: ______________________________
8) Does the answer to question #2 differ from question #5? ___________________________
9) Change the default action of control-alt-delete to be print "Dont you