Here are some shell work to be done. You get 5 points if you finish one of them, 9 points if you finish 2, 12 points if you finish 3, 14 points if you finish 4, and 15 points if you get them all. You can and should do them in order easiest to hardest. You can use any reasonable format, and don't have to stick the the format below.

1) Change your prompt including at least 2 special codes. Crazy ideas can be found here and the list of codes can be found here.

2) Write me a shell script that sends mail to any user who's home directory is world writeable. Print and send email to any such person.

3) Write a script that checks that for every directory inside of /home, that person also exists in /etc/passwd and in /etc/shadow. Print any such person.
4) Write me a script that lists every *.iso and *.ISO file on the system.
Sample Output:
5) Write me a script that lists everyone who has logged in and how many times thay have logged in. The last command might be useful.
Example Sample Output:
	palin   27
	biden   3
	bush    23
        chaney  5