1) Log in. 2) Get a shell prompt. 3) Count how many files are in your home directory. You might press ^H on a file manager, and type 'ls -a' at the command prompt. Do both! 4) Where is your home directory stored? 5) Make a text file named graphics.txt with exactly 100 bytes. Use the graphic editor gedit (Applications->Text Edit). Verify the size via the properties dialog box. 6) Make a text file named Text.txt with exactly 123 bytes. Use the text mode program nano. Verify the size with 'ls'. 7) Change the name of graphics.txt into Graphics.txt via the file manager. (Hint: right-click or F2) 8) Change the name of Text.txt into text.txt via the command line. (Hint: Use the mv command.) 9) Start up Firefox via the graphics menu (Applications->Internet->Firefox) 10) Start up Firefox via the command line (type firefox) 11) Test the up-arrow, down-arrow, and control-R. 12) Test !. Try !f. Try !!. Try !l.