CS 302

The most important links for the whole class ....

Mon Aug 27 -- First day of class. Syllabus. Goals of the class. Warning about the *big homework*. Install stuff. What is Linux? What is a Distribution? How do you make money when you give it away?
Wed Aug 29 -- Home work #1 due via email. Go over basic commands and the bash shell and the second homework.
Thu Aug 30 -- More work with the command line. Using "!" and ^R. Exploring files and device files.
Mon Aug 31 -- Pipes and redirection. Fake quiz.
Mon Sep 3 -- NO CLASS!!!!
Wed Sep 5 -- User accounts. Quiz on command line and permissions and (a little) device files.
Wed Sep 12 -- Kernel developers. INIT and /etc/inittab. Network things like ping, route, /proc/net, DHCP, ifconfig, wifi-radar, /etc/network/interfaces /etc/host.conf /etc/hosts, /etc/resolt.conf, /etc/host.allow, /etc/host.deny, /etc/hostname. NFS.
Thr Sep 13 -- insults. Synaptic and apt-get. NFS and mounting.
Fri Sep 14 -- More NFS server stuff.
Wed Sep 18 -- Samba
Mon Sep 24 -- How to diagnose permission problems, login problems, samba problems, NFS problems.
Wed Sep 26 -- More borken lab stuff for points. picture of the file system
. Wed Sep 28 -- Apache install day.
Wed Oct 3 -- Web searching. Search engine optimization. Porn. Copyright.
Mon Oct 8 -- Go over quiz. Fix quiz. Read logs. Change error files.
. Wed Oct 10 -- Finish Apache.
Thr Oct 11 -- .htaccess and Apache authorization.
Mon Oct 15 -- Quiz, and check apache .htaccess thing from Thursday.
Wed Oct 17 -- Review quiz.
Mon Oct 22 -- Kompiling a Kernel (the ubuntu weird way).
Fri Oct 26 -- Notes on mail and Ubuntu "basic" postfix setup and Spam relay testing.
Mon Nov 4 -- Finish email. Check email off.
. Wed Nov 7 -- More finish email.
Mon Nov 12 -- shell programming.
Wed Nov 14 -- For loops. While loops and booleans. find and backticks. examples of shell scripts. practice with shell programming.
Mon Nov 18 -- Quiz. the final project.
-- Aliases, pipes, file redirection, and background tasks.
-- Backticks. Parenthesis. Shell Programming.
-- .bashrc and /etc/profile. Shell Assignment #1 due.
-- QUIZ on file redirection and others. Shell Assingment #2 due.
-- More users. Break students computers.
-- Quiz on users.
-- ping, route, /proc/net, DHCP, ifconfig, wifi-radar, /etc/network/interfaces /etc/host.conf /etc/hosts, /etc/resolt.conf, /etc/host.allow, /etc/host.deny, /etc/hostname
-- NFS (more).
-- Samba.
-- Apache. Install it with "sudo apt-get install apache2". Test it. Configure it..
-- Apache configuration.
-- Apache due.
-- Kernel bug and an exploit.Mail.
-- The email todo list.
-- Apache due!.Kompiling Kernels.
-- Email due.
-- Printing with CUPS.
-- Killing Trees with a printer.
-- Finish Printing's tasklist.
-- init and cron
-- Shell programming -- security.