CS 302

The most important links for the whole class ....

Mon Jan 11 -- First day of class. Syllabus. Goals of the class. Warning about the *big homework*. Install stuff. What is Linux? What is a Distribution? How do you make money when you give it away?
Wed Jan 13 -- Go over basic commands and the bash shell and first homework
Thu Jan 14 -- More work with the command line. Using "!" and ^R. Exploring files and device files.
Fri Jan 15 -- Pipes and redirection. Fake quiz.
Mon Jan 18 -- The second homework.
Thr Jan 21 -- Make a user. Show me. The do the worksheet.
Fri Jan 22 -- Lecture on users and the command line. Practice working on these things.
Mon Jan 25 -- QUIZ on users and the command line.
Wed Jan 27 -- Ubuntuguide (on users). /etc/init.d. NFS. Network things like ping, route, /proc/net, DHCP, ifconfig, wifi-radar, /etc/network/interfaces /etc/host.conf /etc/hosts, /etc/resolt.conf, /etc/host.allow, /etc/host.deny, /etc/hostname. NFS. Fri Jan 29 -- Samba Server and setting up a Samba client.
Mon Feb 5 -- Mount-a-pa-looooosa (practice NFS and Samba mounting).
Wed Feb 10 -- Review for mount/user/cron test. Shell programming.
Thr Feb 11 -- Test
Fri Feb 12 -- Shell programming.
Mon Feb 15 -- Go over test from Thursday. First shell assignment.
Thr Feb 18 -- Last shell assignment..
Fri Feb 19 -- Work on shell assignment.
Mon Feb 22 -- Web servers.
Wed Feb 24 -- More web servers. Mime types. Web delimas. analog output and Analog documents.
Thr Feb 25 -- web assignment.
Mon Mar 8 -- Review Acaday Awards. Banning evil people. Fail2ban. IPtables. Using a single user. Looking at Euclid's logs. SSH config files. Euclid backups.
Wed Mar 24 -- More CUPS. Email basics.
Mon Mar 29 -- Compiling tutorial and Email tutorial.
Apr 5 -- Broken Lab quiz.
Apr 7 -- The final assignment..