CS 302

Mon Jan 14 -- What is a distribution?. What is a partition? What is the boot process?
Wed Jan 16 -- Absolute vs relative paths. Command line, with redirection and pattern matching. The /proc file system. The /tmp file system.
Thr Jan 17 -- Notes about files. Assignment 1.
Fri Jan 18 -- Work on assignment #1.
Wed Jan 23 -- Go over homework. Absolute vs relative paths (point of emphasis). Talk about permissions on files and directories.
Thr Jan 24 -- Making new users. The adduser/userdel commands. User IDs and 0. Usefulness of groups. Password cracking. What makes a good password.
Mon Jan 28 -- Broken users day.
Wed Jan 30 -- Quiz on users. NFS. Portmap. /etc/hosts.allow. /etc/hosts.deny. exportfs -a. apt-get install, apt-get update, and apt-get upgrade. Permissions on NFS. What happens when a server goes down. Edit conflicts on NFS.
Fri Feb 1 -- NFS again!.
Mon Feb 4 -- whois. traceroute. dig. Why have multiple IP numbers for a host? /etc/hosts. IP number classes. Quiz on users and NFS.
Wed Feb 6 -- Anger. Samba.
Thr Feb 7 -- More Samba.
Wed Feb 13 -- Final day of Samba and NFS or firewalls.
Fri Feb 15 -- Web servers.
Mon Feb 18 -- Apache including Documentroot and alias. Analog. Virtual hosts. Userdir.
Wed Feb 20 -- Spiders. Search engine optimization. apache todo list.
Wed Feb 27 -- Last day of Apache.
Mon Mar 11 -- Mail and Bulk Email delivery. spam filtering as a service. Spam filtering in a box (Ebay). Spamassassin. Spamassassin tests and Bayes tests. Spam relay checking Rules to look like ham.
Wed Mar 13 -- Review email system. Postfix setup.
Mon Mar 25 -- Cody. Security.
Wed Mar 27 -- Last day for postfix.
Fri Mar 29 -- Shell Programming.
Mon Apr 8 -- Security story and NN attack and Udel attack and PATH and PS1 and aliases.
Wed Apr 10 -- Law. NMU Acceptable use..
Thr Apr 11 -- Facebook AUP. Cron. The Big Assignment.