CS 302

Wed Jan 18 -- Install Ubuntu.
Thr Jan 19 -- What is a distribution?. What is a partition? What is the boot process?- Absolute vs relative paths. Command line, with redirection and pattern matching. The /proc file system. The /tmp file system.
Fri Jan 20 -- Files have permissions. Absolute vs Relative path. The pwd command. Basic directory layout. Home dir and "/". . Assignment 1.
Mon Jan 23 -- User accounts.
Wed Jan 24 -- User lab
Thr Jan 26 -- Work day and NFS.
Mon Jan 30 -- Finish NFS. Firewall and blocking www.mtu.edu.
Wed Feb 1 -- Samba with permission scheme, config file, etc.
Thr Feb 2 -- Web basics and the very easy how to install Apache and install Apache video
Mon Feb 13 -- Apache assignment.
Thr Feb 23 -- More Shell programming.
Mon Mar 13 -- cron problem. Converting decimal to int in bash.
Wed Mar 15 -- The email story. What is an MX record. Postfix vs sendmail. The postfix config file. Postfix howto. Diagnosing stuff with /var/log/mail.log.
Mon Mar 27 -- Learning from email (problems, general ideas). What is a virtual server? Smart relay. Spamassassin and clamAV.
Wed Mar 29 -- Virtual servers. Why? Which OS? Installing VMWare.
Thr Mar 30 -- Review for quiz.
Mon Apr 3 -- Test!
Wed Apr 5 -- Speaches.
Mon Apr 10 -- The Big Assignment
Mon Apr 24 -- Review for the final and Evaluate me!!