CS 302

Mon Jan 15 -- Syllabus stuff. Best grade in class means skip final and flying. Being late. Install Ubuntu.
Wed Jan 17 -- What is a distribution?. What is a partition? What is the boot process?- Absolute vs relative paths. Command line, with redirection and pattern matching. The /proc file system. The /tmp file system.
Thr Jan 18 -- Files have permissions. Absolute vs Relative path. The pwd command. Basic directory layout. Home dir and "/". . Assignment 1.
Fri Jan 19 -- User accounts.
Fri Jan 25 -- Network things like ping, route, /proc/net, DHCP, ifconfig, wifi-radar, /etc/host.conf /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/host.allow, /etc/host.deny, /etc/hostname. NFS.
Wed Feb 06 -- Finish NFS. Samba start.
Fri Feb 15 -- Apache Assignment
Mon Mar 11 -- Practice Apache test. Shell programming. Easy shell programs.
Wed Mar 13 -- Midterm/Apache test
Fri Mar 15 -- Easy Shell Assignment and Shell Assignment #2.
Fri Mar 29 -- Quiz on Shell.
Mon Apr 1 -- Postfix!
Fri Apr 5 -- Firewall. Email log file. Email header. X509Certs list checker for euclid and Check for account-reslove.tk Spamassassin tests Spamassassin with postfix
Thr Apr 25 -- Final Review. 2017 Final Exam Student Review.