CS 302

Wed Jan 20 -- Syllabus stuff. Best grade in class means skip final and flying. Being late. Download Ubuntu Official version. Make bootable USB. Install Ubuntu.
Mon Jan 25 -- Permissions. User acounts!
Wed Jan 27 -- Make some accounts.
Mon Feb 1 -- Finish accounts + NFS lab.
Wed Feb 3 -- QUIZ. Start Samba.
Mon Feb 8 -- Samba quiz.
Wed Feb 10 -- Go over the Apache config file. /robots.txt . Show header. HTTP vs HTTPS. Apache vs Nginx. Apache assignment.
Mon Feb 22 -- Bash scripting day 2. Back tics. cut and tail and head. functions. aliases. Prompt codes. prompts. Prompt generator. .bashrc. Example shell scripts. Shell script starter assignment. Assignment #2. Mon Mar 8 -- Spamassasin tests. List checker. ufw. Check nytimes.com and www.reddit.com and www.tinder.com Quiz on postfix.
Wed Mar 10 -- Go over quiz. Honeypots. Fail2bad. Firewall assingment.
Fri Mar 19 -- Quiz on speeches. VMWare Notes.
Mon Mar 22 -- Why be on the cloud? AWS Free Tier. Lightsail. Lightsail review on techradar. What is EC2? EC2 pricing. Making an EC2 instance. EC2 console.
Mon Apr 19 -- Final Review.
Later -- Cron, Use policies, broken labs