CS 302

Wed Jan 17 -- Assigment #1 command line.
Fri Jan 27 -- NFS!
Mon Feb 6 -- Samba
Wed Feb 9 -- Find. crontab. Finish Samba.
Thr Feb 10 -- QUIZ on Samba and crontab and everything else.
Mon Feb 13 -- Shell programming: .bashrc and .profile. Prompts. Example prompts. head. atil. cut. backtics. if. while. for.
Wed Feb 15 -- Backtics. Cut and head and tail. Starter shell scripts.
Mon Feb 20 -- EMAIL including how it works, detecing spam, the postfix config and Spamassassin tests and list checker. Maildir vs /var/spool/mail. A useful postfix guide
Wed Mar 1 -- Mail aliases and .forward file and how gamil works.
Fri Mar 3 -- EMAIL QUIZ
Mon Mar 13 -- Define page view/hit/user. Show Apache config file.
Thr Mar 16 -- Apache Assignment. Analog.
Mon Apr 17 -- Why be on the cloud? What is bare metal? What is a VM. What is a container? . VM vs Bare metal. A bare metal vs VM benchmark. Another VM vs bare metal benchmark. AWS Free Tier. Lightsail. Lightsail review on techradar. What is EC2? EC2 pricing. Making an EC2 instance. EC2 console.
Mon Apr 19 -- Final Review.
Wed Apr 26 -- Final Exam Review.
Later -- Cron, Use policies, broken labs