CS 302

The most important links for the whole class ....

Mon Aug 25 -- First day of class. Syllabus. Goals of the class. Warning about the *big homework*. Install stuff. What is Linux? What is a Distribution? How do you make money when you give it away?
Wed Aug 27 -- Home work #1 due via email. Go over basic commands and the bash shell and the second homework.
Thu Aug 28 -- More work with the command line. Using "!" and ^R. Exploring files and device files.
Fri Aug 29 -- Pipes and redirection. Fake quiz.
Mon Sep 1 -- NO CLASS!!!!
MikeRichard Wed Sep 5 -- User accounts.
Thr Sep 6 -- Command line and more user stuff.
Wed Sep 10 -- go over the quiz and maybe NFS client and NFS server.
Thr Sep 11 -- Network things like ping, route, /proc/net, DHCP, ifconfig, wifi-radar, /etc/network/interfaces /etc/host.conf /etc/hosts, /etc/resolt.conf, /etc/host.allow, /etc/host.deny, /etc/hostname.
Fri Sep 12 -- NFS and such.
Wed Sep 17 -- Apache!!.
Thr Sep 18 -- Web Assignment.
Wed Sep 24 -- Web Assignment due.
Mon Sep 29 -- Go over quiz. htaccess and htaccess and passwords.
Thr Oct 2 -- HTaccess lab.
Fri Oct 3 -- Final Apache and stuff review day.secret document.
Thr Oct 16 -- Email and Ubuntu email setup.
Wed Oct 22 -- Compiling a kernel. (1) Get source ftp.kernel.org. (2) Unpack and compile. (3) Test and pray.more details. Note about linux-kernel-dev.
Mon Oct 27 -- Security.
Wed Oct 29 -- Break the lab quiz.
Thr Oct 30 -- The Law and maybe X11.
Mon Nov 3 -- Desktop.
Wed Nov 5 -- Path. Alias. variables. $. .bashrc. for. while. if (math, files) and elif and else. backtics. prompt. network working. truncate log files. roll log files. kill a process matching a string. shell tutorial #1. shell tutorial #2 and built in shell variables.
Thr Nov 6 -- Find all root accounts. Find disk space hogs. Find IP number. Find all people without passwords. Find all aliases that corespond to non-users. Print most popular web pages. Print who's logged in. Log out a specific user. Monitor needed services and send mail. Send mail to disk hogs. Send mail if load average too high. Rename files to lowercase (tr). Compress all files in a directory. Archive a user with dir and password.
Mon Nov 10 -- More programming examples from above.
Thr Nov 13 -- Go over shell scripting assignment.
Mon Nov 17 -- Last lab script day.
Wed Nov 19 -- Broken Lab fix it quiz.
Thr Nov 20 -- Inittab and cron and the final assignment.
Wed Dec 3 -- Shell Assignment due.
Tue Dec 9 -- Final Assignment.