CS 302

Mon Jan 16 -- What is a distribution?. What is a partition? What is the boot process?
Wed Jan 18 -- My email. Absolute vs relative paths. Command line, with redirection and pattern matching. The /proc file system. The /tmp file system.
Thr Jan 19 -- Notes about files. Assignment 1.
Fri Jan 20 -- Work on assignment #1.
Mon Jan 23 -- User accounts.
Thr Jan 26 -- User worksheet.
Fri Jan 27 -- Linux Kernel Bug with announcement and exploit.
Mon Jan 30 -- .profile and .bashrc. The alias command. PS1=. The find command. The sort command with -k. The cut command with -k and -c. Questions.Announce quiz on Wednesday.
Wed Feb 1 -- Practice quiz on users and bash.
Thr Feb 2 -- Real quiz on users and bash.
Fri Feb 3 -- NFS.
Thr Feb 9 -- Euclid vs euclid.nmu.edu. Samba with smb.conf files.
Mon Feb 13 -- Catch up day.
Wed Feb 15 -- Apache!!!.
Mon Feb 20 -- /etc/hosts file. ifconfig. netstat. ping. dig. The apache config file. The apache log files. How to promote your web pages. Search Engine optimization. Google bombs.
Wed Feb 22 -- Apache lab.
Mon Feb 27 -- New Apache. Load balancing. DocumentRoot. Virtual hosts. GoDaddy. .htaccess and passwords. Benchmarks
Wed Feb 29 -- NO CLASS
Mon Mar 12 -- Counting accesses for midterm.Wed delimas.
Wed Mar 14 -- TEST on Apache. Particularly aliases, permissions, log files, mods-enables vs mods-available. Sample questions.
Thr Mar 15 -- Crontab.
Fri Mar 16 -- Shell Scripts! Most recent file changed in /etc/ Is some dude logged in. Check for large directories.
Mon Mar 19 -- Homework.
Thr Mar 22 -- Fibinacci sleep sort. Cron work. Shell Assignment. Using read in shell scripts. Review backtics. Review loops over variables (and how to get paths or just filenames). functions. arguments. shift.
Wed Mar 28 -- Packet filtering and firewalling. NAT. IP Tables. tutorial. gufw.firewall assignment.
Fri Mar 29 -- Missing limbs.
Mon Apr 1 -- firewall assignment.
Wed Apr 4 -- Fix the web access. Cron email. SUID and passwd. capabilities. gufw. Announce hospital.
Mon Apr 9 -- Review hospital. VMs.
Wed Apr 11 -- Kernel Compiling with swearing.
Wed Apr 18 -- Kurt on Mush and git. Apache order deny,allow. Email overview with smtp, pop, imap, web mail. Email setup.
Thr Apr 19 -- Lab day.
Fri Apr 20 -- Lab day.
Mon Apr 23 -- Lab day.
Wed Apr 25 -- Lab day.
Thr Apr 26 -- Lab day.
Fri Apr 27 -- Review for final. 2011's final exam and 2010's final exam. Note that we did less email this year, and more firewall.