CS 302

Mon Jan 10 -- What is a distribution?. What is a partition? What is the boot process?
Wed Jan 12 -- Command line, with redirection and pattern matching.
Thr Jan 13 -- Command Line Lab.
Fri Jan 14 -- More work with the command line. ps. Using "!" and ^R. Exploring files and device files. Soft links.
Mon Jan 17 -- NO CLASS
Wed Jan 19 -- Making new users.
Thr Jan 20 -- Lab day for making new users.
Fri Jan 21 -- QUIZ on making users.
Mon Jan 24 -- Network things like ping, route, /proc/net, DHCP, ifconfig, wifi-radar, /etc/network/interfaces /etc/host.conf /etc/hosts, /etc/resolt.conf, /etc/host.allow, /etc/host.deny, /etc/hostname. NFS.
Thr Jan 27 -- NFS again.
Fri Jan 28 -- User zero. Authentication via Samba and via NFS. Permissions in NFS and Samba. Setting up a Samba server and a Samba client (both via nautilus and smb:// and via /etc/fstab and //servername.com/sharename.
Mon Jan 31 -- More Samba. How to put in /etc/fstab. Mounting via the command line like this
        sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=rappleto,password=iloveunix \\\\euclid.nmu.edu\\rappleto /media/cdrom

Mon Feb 7 -- Test.
Wed Feb 9 -- Test redo.
Thr Feb 10 -- Apache!
Mon Feb 14 -- Apache tasks.
Mon Feb 21 -- Bash including .bashrc(with permissions) /etc/profile PATH PS1 alias and shell scripting with $0 $1 $2 $@.
Wed Feb 23 -- Shell programming including the two Shell assignments.
Mon Mar 7 -- Review shell assignments. Lab day for shell stuff.
Mon Mar 14 -- Postfix howto and Mail notes.
Fri Mar 18 -- Spam lecture
Thr Mar 24 -- Compiling a Kernel, with why, how, what are modules, lspci, what is firmware, and grub.
Wed Mar 30 -- Accaptable Use Policies
Mon Apr 4 -- Go over broken lab. Cron.
Wed Apr 6 -- Broken lab quiz #2.
Fri Apr 15 -- Backup solutions.
Mon Apr 18 -- Lab day for realies.
Wed Apr 20 -- Tour Mainframe room