1) Write a script that sends mail to every user on your system who is using more than N megabytes of disk space. 'N' is supplied on the command line. Remember that command line arguments are things like $1, $2 and $@. Example: sendHateMail 20 2) Write a script that prints all processes using more than 30 megabytes or more than 20% of the CPU. You can create such a process using C++, declaring a big array, iterating through them alot. main() { int huge[10000000]; for(int x =0; x < 10000000;x++) huge[x]++; } 3) Write a shell script that prints the list of people who are active on the host. A person is active if their idle time is less than one minute. Hint: "w" prints a list of everyone logged on and their idle time. "cut" can remove unneeded parts of a line You can read a file into a shell script one line at a time like this ... cat filename | while read a b c do echo $a $b $c done 4) Change your prompt to something cool using at least two escape codes. This should survive reboot. 5) Add an alias that's useful. This should survive reboot.