Make the home directory unaccessable by typing chmod ugo-rwx /home/dude Make the home directory have the wrong name by typing mv /home/dude /home/Dude (i.e. use a capital letter) Remove the home directory rm -rf /home/dude Give them the wrong home directory nano -w /etc/passwd (Find them probably at the bottom.) (Make the part that says /home/dude say /home/Dude (Use a CAP letter.)) Give the person the wrong password passwd dude (Then pick anything stupid.) Change the user id of the password entry nano -w /etc/passwd (Then find the person in the file probably at the bottom.) (Then make the first number be 3 higher.) Put an error in their /etc/shadow entry nano -w /etc/shadow (Then find them probably at the bottom.) (Then remove a letter from their username.) Mess up their group entry nano -w /etc/group (Then find them probably at the bottom.) (Then change the name of the group to "YouBeHacked" or something funny.) Mess up their group entry nano -w /etc/group (Then find them probably at the bottom.) (Then change the number of the group to 12689 or something funny.) Change the user's shell nano -w /etc/passwd (Then find the person in the file probably at the bottom.) (Then make the /bin/bash be /bin/false.)