The init worksheet

  1. Learn how to use Grub to enter your machine at run level 1.
  2. Have your computer start in text mode. Check it out.
  3. Make another entry in the grub boot menu.
  4. How do you spell Gabe's word? He wants to know how to spell it.
  5. Change things to that your machine makes a noise on boot up? Note: the command 'cat < > /dev/audio` will play that sound on the sound card. There is a file named /usr/lib/python2.2/test/
  6. Change things so that pressing CTL-ALT-DEL runs the sync command. You might look up what the sync command does.
  7. Delete any unused scripts from your runlevel. Each script typically has a comment at the top describing it's purpose.
  8. Add one new script into your runlevel.
  9. Find out what the 'cups' script does.
  10. Use the 'status', 'start', 'stop', and 'restart' commands on the network script. Make sure it *really* shuts down the network.
  11. Do you know who Anubis and Isis are. Gabe wants to know if you know, because he does.