#!/bin/bash function a { echo hi echo 1 is $1 Two is $2 echo Number is $# echo All is $@ } function count { if [ $1 -gt 10 ]; then echo $1 is DONE return fi count `expr $1 + 1` } function count2 { a=0 while [ $a -lt 10 ]; do echo A is $a let a=$a+1 done } a 3 2 5 count 3 count2 if w | grep -q randy; then echo Randy is logged on!!!! else echo He\'s missing. Sigh! fi # Tasks - Change your prompt # Change the file /etc/issue. Log out. Log in. What does it do # Look in /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Find where banner is mentioned. What does that do? # When you log in, print "Welcome from ..." and have the message # change depeneding on if you're from a console or a network. Which is an xterm?