A Computer For Your Hero

1) Create an account for your superhero.  Give your superhero a new creative name. .   Be sure to set everything up just right.

2) Your superhero would like a customized bash prompt.  This prompt should include the current working directory, and the current time of day.

3) Your superhero would like you to install a the package xosview.  It's a tool that tells the current load on the system.

4) Your superhero would like his computer, when it boots, to show upon the screen "You are the Greatest!"  This must show for at least ten seconds.  

5) Your superhero would like to never receive mail.  It should be possible for others to receive mail.  You cannot turn mail off for everyone.  However, your superhero himself should not be able to receive mail, even though everyone else can.

6) You will need to free some space on Euclid's disk for the Superhero's new science project.  Find out who is using more disk space in their ~/pub directory, Jeff or Andy.  Find the biggest file in that person's pub directory.  Tell your Superhero the name of the offending file.

7) Your superhero would like to be able to log into his sidekick's computer.  Set up your computer as a YP server and an NFS server.  You are successful if I can log into your sidekick's computer using the correct password and see the correct files.

8) Now go set up the sidekick's computer.  It should be a NFS and YP client, served from the superhero's computer.

Note:  You can only get points for ONE OF numbers seven and eight.