    Mail can be received
    Mail can be sent
    The largest mail that can be sent is 10K bytes.
    All ourgoing mail is relayed through
Web Server
    Web serving works.
    All files are in /home/username/pub.
    There is a statistical analysis system running.
    In a directory listing, jpg files get a cool new icon.
    There is a user named webdude.  All requests to show his files.
    Create a user named "bart".
    He has all the needed startup files.
    Create an account.  Lock it such that the files and password are not lost.
File Sharing
    You are an NFS client.
    You are an NFS server to someone else.
    Samba ... it works.
    You run the latest kernel
    And networking still works
    And sound still works
    And X11 still works
Startup Scripts
    Should play a "charge" sound at bootup.  
    Delete unused startup scripts from your runlevel.
    Your prompt should tell you the current uptime.
    Without extra garbage.
    Your prompt should tell you how many people are logged in.
    Without extra garbage.
    Prompt, make a cool one with at least one special code.
    I should be able to print to the department printer.
    Can play mp3 files.
Turn in
    Before Thursday Dec 8th
    Before Friday Dec 9th

There are 30 points.

With the new Ubuntu, don't forget to set the root password.
    sudu passwd root