Disconnect cable Disconnect cable from wall end (pick any cable) Delete the file /sbin/ifconfig Delete the file /bin/ping Change the 'id' line in /etc/inittab to runlevel 6 Go to Systems->Admin->Networking Set the ethernet card to have a static IP (not DHCP) Go to Systems->Admin->Networking. Turn off their internet device. Add a line to /etc/hosts www.google.com chmod a-rwx /sbin/ifconfig Add 'exit' as the first line to their .bashrc chmod a-rwx /home rm /bin/ping nano /bin/ping Add any text rm /sbin/ifconfig nano /sbin/ifconfig Add any text cp /bin/ls /sbin/ifconfig Edit /etc/passwd Change the userid and groupid fields from 0 to 105. Change their root password to anything Change the last line of /root/.bashrc to PS1="I hate you"