Name: ____________________________
MidTerm -- CS 302
- How do you change to runlevel 2? assume you have root privliges
- What does runlevel 6 due? _______________________________
Files and Filesystems
- (True/False) You need read permission to execute a binary file.
other words, you need read permission on /bin/ls to run /bin/ls.
- Which filenames will get mached by the file pattern "?[A-z]*4*"
bush_stinks kerry4ever ihatebush kerryAwinner 4kerry4winning
- What command will tell you how much free disk space you have?
- Suppose you type 'ls' and see the line below.
-rw-r--r-- 1 pres staff
10630 Feb 14 15:50 nukeRussia.exe
Who can read the file? _________________________________________________
Who can write to the file?
Who can run the program? _____________________________________________
- I have a softlink such that 'edwards' is linked to 'vp'.
The file 'vp' uses 100 G of disk space.
- Total space used is about 100G.
- Total space used is about 200G.
Command Line
- What command would rename a file "bush" into a file "pres"?
- What command will tell me if the disk is full?
- What command will copy a file name "ossama" into a new name
- How do I search for all lines in the file "votes" containing
- How do I get help on the command cpio?
Processes and Signals
- How do I find out what processes are running on my computer (ALL
- How do I kill process number 47?
- Add to /etc/fstab (as shown below) to automatically mount's /votes/senate
directory onto the local directory /senators on every reboot from now
/dev/sda1 / ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/sda2 /WEENIE_DOS dos rw 0 0
- Add another line to mount the user mccain home directory from the
machine onto your machine. That user has no
- (Worth zero points) Name the last president to win with less than
50% of the vote?
- (Yes/No) Can you access an NFS mounted directory without a
network connection?
- I can ssh to any machine in the world except The site receives ssh
requests from other people, but not me.
Give me something to check to help solve this problem.
- (Yes/No) Should web pages to be shown to the world be owned by
the user 'apache'?
- What happens if ServerRoot points to a directory that does not
- Every client sees an error page
- The server don't start (kinda like Bush's brain)
- Everything runs fine, though there is a warning shown on the
server's boot screen.
- Kerry stinks.
- Clients can see all web pages except the main page. If
the machine is, then users can see but not
- Someone has looked at 100 pages on my site. Each page view
was the user looking at a new page he'd never seen before. How
many entries are there in my web log?
- Probably zero
- Exactly 100
- At least 100
- Chaney will be a great V.P.
How do you make a new user account? This is worth three points.
credit is very possible, so if you only know part of the answer, try
- _________________________________________________________________________________