Name: ____________________________
MidTerm -- CS 495
- How do you change to runlevel 2? assume you have root privliges ______________________
- Suppose that /etc/inittab has the line
id:234:respawn:/sbin/getty VC tty3
and the getty dies. What will init do? __________________________
Files and Filesystems
- (True/False) You need read permission to execute a binary file. In
other words, you need read permission on /bin/ls to run /bin/ls.
- Which filenames will get mached by the file pattern ?[A-z]*4*
a_boy_4_you 4_the_boys boys_4_girls 4ever 4and4and4
- What command will tell you how much free disk space you have? ______________
Command Line
- What command would rename a file "blonde" into a file "brown"?
- What command will tell me if the disk is full? _________________________________
- What command will copy a file name "giger" into a new name
- How do I search for all lines in the file "script" containing
- How do I get help on the command cpio? _____________________________________
Processes and Signals
- How do I find out what processes are running on my computer (ALL PROCESSES)?
- How do I kill process number 47? __________________________________
- Who got Doom working on our system (hint: not me!!)? ____________________________
- What signal does ^Z send? ___________________________________________
- (1/2) If I run emacs, and then run another emans without quitting the
first, how many emacs processes are there?
- (True/False) An NIS client can work with an NIS+ server?
- All clients of the same NIS server MUST share a common (circle all
that apply):
nis domain name ip address operating system version
root password hardware configuration fasination for Elvis Presley
- (Yes/No) Must NIS/NYS clients have a directory called /var/yp?
- Why do we run YP/NYS? _____________________________________________________
- What is the spool directory used for? ______________________________________________
- (Worth two points): How do you add a new printer Just list the steps
in order?
- (Yes/No) Can you add a new remote printer without rebooting the whole
(local) computer?
- Add to /etc/fstab (as shown below) to automatically mount al's /shoe/sales
directory onto the local directory /stupid on every reboot from now on.
/dev/sda1 / ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/sda2 /WEENIE_DOS dos rw 0 0
- (Worth zero points) Name any South American nation that does NOT touch
- (Yes/No)Can you access an NFS mounted directory without a network connection?
How do you make a new user account? This is worth three points. partial
credit is very possible, so if you only know part of the answer, try anyway.
- _________________________________________________________________________________